I am an actor, performance-maker, and educator. My work spans different media, including films & sound, and sits in the space between performance, research and pedagogy. Questions of agency and transformation, home and belonging, drive my work.
I trained as an actor-teacher with the TAG TIE Co. in Delhi, which at the time was led by British director Barry John. Here, I developed an interest in theater not just as a performing art but as an embodied form of learning.
In 2000, I was awarded the Charles Wallace Fellowship to study Physical Theater at Royal Holloway College, London. The year spent in London completely transformed my practice as an actor and theater-maker.
I took over as artistic director of the Imago TIE Company, Delhi, in 2003, where I began making theater for young audiences. In 2005 I founded Yellowcat Theater as a collaborative space for actors, artists and educators to create challenging, new work for both young and adult audiences.
In 2012, I was nominated by the U.S. Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs for the International Visitors’ Leadership Program (IVLP) as an emerging leader in the area of Arts & Social Change.
In 2022, I received a TESF research grant to investigate the relationship between teacher agency and the performing arts in the context of socially just learning spaces. The discoveries from this research are just emerging, and I will be sharing them through my work in various forms.
I was born in Delhi. In 2018, a set of unexpected circumstances took me to Berlin where I now live and work.